Investment31 is a private investment firm dedicated to providing individual investors with sound and professional private equity investment opportunities. Founded on the principle that most individual investors' investment portfolios are overly, if not entirely, concentrated in the public stock and bond markets, Investment31 provides high quality, professionally managed private equity investment alternatives not typically made available to the individual investor.

Traditional portfolio diversification theories suggest an investor should hold at least between 20 to 30 stocks in their portfolio in order to sufficiently reduce the risks associated with holding individual stocks. There are many readily accessible asset management services available to individual investors that provide sufficient stock, bond, currency and commodity diversification options, such as managed portfolios, mutual funds, ETFs, index funds and more.

Investment31 is about providing the next step of prudent investing to individual investors that have exhausted their accessible resources for diversification in the public markets "by investing in 30 public stocks". We believe many individual investors want and need more diversification away from and/or alternative investments to the public securities markets. Investment31 provides individual investors with high quality, professionally managed private equity investments typically only readily available to institutional and high net worth investors.

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